Welcome to NACW---the organization connecting Commissions for Women in states, counties, and cities. Our website has information you can use about legislation, policies, and issues that impact the lives of women. You'll also find information about our events and activities as well as information about our members so that you can connect with local commissions in your area. You can join us or renew your membership with NACW. You can access the latest newsletters, alerts, and valuable resources.
NACW is the national advocate for commissions for women which holds a unique and positive position for women's equity and justice and touches millions of women, playing a significant role in national policy and legislative development.
NACW is the bridge between government and the private sector. Our membership reflects all age, economic, ethnic and social groups.
NACW is governed by a Board of Directors composed of an Executive Committee which includes the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, and fourteen Directors elected from across the United States.