NACW supports affirmative action as a tool for improving equity and equality in opportunities and wages for women and minorities. Families depend on the wages of women. Fifty-five percent of employed women provide half or more of the household income. Eighteen percent provide all.
Position: Defend affirmative action and other mechanisms that eradicate vestiges of discriminatory policies and practices and open job opportunities to qualified women and minorities, and opportunities for financial security for them and their families.
NACW urges the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to immediately hold hearings and that the Senate ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW is an international bill of rights for women that aims to eliminate discrimination against women in the enjoyment of all civil, political, economic and cultural rights.
Position: Protect the credibility of the United States as a leading advocate for human rights by ratifying the Convention. Several state legislatures have endorsed ratification.
NACW supports equity in education including access to technology for women and girls, especially those in urban and rural communities. It is estimated that by the year 2010, sixty-five percent of jobs will require technology skills.
Position: Support the Educating America¹s Girls Act of 1999 (S 1264/HR 2505) that among other important issues, requires schools to consider the different learning needs of girls in technology.