Phyllis Gordon
Contra Costa County Women’s Commission
State: California Region: 9 Phyllis Gordon has served on the Contra Costa County Women’s Commission since 1994. She came to Commission because of her passion for Women’s causes…in particular issues surrounding all forms of violence against women. Over the years that passion has become more encompassing to include issues around women’s equality in all forms of life including home workplace, health and pay equity etc. She has served as Chair, Vice Chair of the Commission and has chaired several Commission Committees. Founding member of the Contra Costa County Women’s Hall of Fame. Northern California Representative ACCW (Association of California Commissions for Women) Member Board of Directors, NACW (National Association of Commissions for Women) and currently sits on their Fundraising Committee. Co-Chaired the NACW Conference 2013. Interested in the following teams/areas of NACW: